Saturday 14 May 2011

Vfifty Award

This week I was proud to receive my Vfifty award for completing 50 hours of volunteering. The award is presented to young people who choose to spend time doing something which benefits others. Vinspired awards recognise the time committed, the skills developed and the difference made through volunteering and having a positive impact on the community. They highlight the motivation, commitment and desire volunteers have for self improvement, which I believe are all key attributes required in candidates for any employment.  For my award I have spent at least an hour a week in Scope charity shop where I worked on the shop floor serving customers, which has helped my people skills considerably. Over the year I have really enjoyed working with completely different people who also want to play their part in helping others and I plan to continue my volunteering on a weekly basis. My work has had a positive impact on the community as all profits made by the shop go towards helping disabled people have the same opportunities to fulfill their life ambitions as non-disabled people.